Grow Empire: Rome is enchanting and captivating. This game is developed by the Game Station, who is the publisher of the Art of War 3. It is the combination of strategy mechanism, tower defense, and role-playing elements. With this remarkable diversity, the game captures an impressive downloading number of 10 million. Players will not get bored quickly because of the wide range of game modes. When immersing yourself in the game, you will be a leader and lead your legions to conquer other provinces and cities. At the same time, you have to defend your lands against enemies such as Carthaginians, Iberian barbarians, and Etruscans. Being a hero and leading a vast army to defeat other extremely solid legions is such a heroic feeling that you have never had before. So, let’s see what this game is about right now and why it becomes worldwide like that! Story As you can guess, the game begins in the background of a battle that occurs between two armies. You will see a severe battlefield ...